I’m Back Baby!

Hello dear readers!

I’ve been pretty offgrid for well over two years now, and I thought it was high time to say hi.  HI!

I had an amazing journey in New Zealand.  It was exactly what I needed to help me process a massive life shift, and I will forever be grateful for my time there, and to all the people who helped me along the way.  It was truly magnificent. Winter in Vancouver:

I’m back in Vancouver!  I move into my new apartment in a few days and I couldn’t be happier.  I have a sweet job in an office; the days are long but that way my work week is 4 days, leaving me 3 days to tear into my creative projects. The view at work:

I’ve had a ton of creativity since I’ve been back.  There are so many things I want to work on, but, as always, I have laid out a plan to help me focus and get things done.  I’m living life in 3-month seasons, and it’s been an interesting exercise in sight-setting, adjusting course, and hurling myself full tilt towards my new life. It’s been so amazing to see my book on shelves:

The last three months have been: The Season of Re-Grounding.  My focus for that season looked like this:

  • Prosperity: make money at a stable job
  • Refuge: keep up a daily meditation practice, connect with local meditation sangha
  • Diligence: staying accountable to larger goals, working hard on creative endeavours

I have been mostly successful at staying on track. Life sometimes throws things at us that even the best-laid plans cannot account for, but that’s one of my strengths: I’m so damn adaptable that I can take it in stride, if only pausing for a bit to adjust course.

So I’m working up the pyramid of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The last two-point-five years have been the base of the pyramid, addressing my basic psychological needs. The past three months have been the next tier up: safety. The immense safety that comes with a stable income is… overwhelming to feel again. Once I move into my new home, I hope my body and mind can settle down a bit as I get to feel like I’m safe and sound on the very basic levels. The next season of my year is going to be focused on social belonging. Doing things with friends, finding new social situations, and generally exploring some of the amazing things Vancouver has to offer. I’ll be reestablishing some of my hobbies and activities. (Such as [AKA Heidi Likes to Do THINGS]: archery membership can be renewed next month, I’m recording several projects at a sound studio, I’m looking for a musical partnership, learning photoshop and final cut, discovering my brain loves to do jigsaw puzzles, and we’ll see what I get up to once I have some disposable income! I can sense that there’s a lump of clay somewhere waiting for my hands to get into it for some sculpture work.)

A thing I had very much looked forward to having again: propper doughnuts! ❤ Harmony ❤

So that’s me for now. I’m very much looking forward to having some objects which I used to take for granted, things I haven’t had for a long, long time, little markers on the path of “this is a safe and stable life”. Like basically not having to keep my belongings down to what I can carry. Conditioner for my hair, which, get this Dear Readers, now has a few white strands showing up in it. I feel about 400 years old haha. But what an amazing thing, to feel reborn, to be on the edge of seeing what new life I am crafting for myself, to know that I have the strength and tenacity to get through any damn thing thrown at me, and come out the other side with my heart shining like a beacon.

And my mind is on fire! There is so much to do! I have so many projects! I am so, SO happy to be writing again.

Thanks for coming along and witnessing me. What a wild and precious life, eh?

Bells out.

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